القائمة الرئيسية


"It isn't just conspiracy theorists who are concerned about HAARP. The European Union called the project a global concern and passed a resolution calling for more information on its health and environmental risks. Despite those concerns, officials at HAARP insist the project is nothing more sinister than a radio science research facility." 
  -- From documentary on HAARP weather control capabilities by Canada's CBC 

HAARP: What is it?

HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) was a little-known, yet critically important U.S. military defense project which generated quite a bit of controversy over its alleged weather control capabilities and much more.
The project was shuttered by the military in 2013 after attracting large amounts of negative publicity, though HAARP-like research undoubtedly continues in other secret projects. This essay reveals major deception promulgated by those involved to lead the public to believe HAARP was simply a research facility with little practical military value.
Though denied by HAARP project officials, some respected researchers allege that the electromagnetic warfare capabilities of the project were designed to forward the US military's stated goal of achieving "Full-spectrum Dominance" by the year 2020 and of "Owning the Weather in 2025" (see USAF document summary here). Others go so far as to claim that HAARP technologies have been and continue to be used for weather control, to cause earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, to disrupt global communications systems, and more.
These researchers point to major aspects of the program which are still kept secret for alleged reasons of "national security." The U.S. patent of a key developer of HAARP and other documentary evidence support these claims. And there is no doubt that electromagnetic weapons capable of being used in warfare do exist. The HAARP project's $300 million price tag also suggests more was going on than meets the eye.
According to the original HAARP website, "HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes." The ionosphere is the delicate upper layer of our atmosphere which ranges from about 30 miles (50 km) to 600 miles (1,000 km) above the Earth's surface.

The HAARP project website acknowledged that experiments were conducted which used electromagnetic frequencies to fire pulsed, directed energy beams in order to "temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere." Some scientists state that purposefully disturbing this sensitive layer could have major and even disastrous consequences.

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